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Friday, June 14, 2013




    In this article, the writer talks about the unexpected number of the young adults who live with their families in their homes. The writer states that young people couldn't manage to live in a seperate house from their families. She supported her ideas with examples and short stories. I agree with the writer. I think young people depend on their families in terms of psychological and financial issues. They should be with their families, and feel the support of their parents. It is important for them because they are not ready for the real life when they are only 18. Also, they have to be supported from their families financially because they don't earn money on their own. Earning money while they are going to school is so hard for young people. In the article, the writer also points out the increasing age of marriage among adults. It is a result of the fact that more young people live with their families. They want to live with their families untill they marry because they cannot earn their lives on their own. The writer states this idea with some examples. In general, I like this article and agree with the writer. The writer states the idea very explicitly.

      From this graphic. we can easily conclude that the number of the young people who live with their families has increased in the recent years. This stems from the financial re. Also, the lack of jobs among young people is another reason for this raise. To sum up, I believe that young people especially about 18 years old should live with their families.



    At some nights, we stare at ceiling constantly; we cannot fall asleep. Maybe it's because we have something in our minds or have had four cup of coffee during the day. This situation may not last long for us, but there are some people who cannot sleep well for days. These people are suffering from a sleep disorder: insomnia.

      Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. Patients generally complain about not closing their eyes for more than a couple of minutes when trying to fall asleep. If sleeplessness lasts for more than a couple of nights, it could become a chronic disorder. This chronic disorder could also be very dangerous because sleeping is very important for one's health of body and mind. Insomnia disconcerts the natural balance of sleep and recovery of this situation could be troublesome.

    The reasons for suffering from insomnia vary from people to people. Some patients generally have rest in the  afternoon or towards evening. That's why they have trouble in going to sleep at nights. Also some people push the limits of their bodies and this makes them lack of sleeping. Consuming so much caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee is another reason for insomnia. Also people who are on medication could undergo this disorder because medications also unbalances sleeping. In addition, a stres-filled life mostly comes with insomnia. There are other several factors that stimulate insomnia but these are the most common ones. 

       Insomnia is a common disorder among adults. Most adults have experienced insomnia at one time or another in their lives. An estimated 30%-50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, and 10% of them have chronic insomnia. This symptom comes up also for children. According to a research, two out of three children under 10 years old suffer from a sleep disorder at one time. We can conclude that insomnia is very widespread.
Insomnia may seem to be a nightmare but there is nothing to fear from it. It could be easily cured. It is possible for insomniacs to sleep like a log and have sweet dreams during nights.



     In this article, the writer discusses the usage of the Internet among young people, especially her students. She tells the situation with examples of her students. She says that today's young people use the Internet only for surfing. They spend a great deal of time on the Internet, just for surfing. They are, so to speak, in an ocean of infromation. They cannot distinguish true information and wrong information. That's why they are not safe while they are urfing on the Internet. I totally agree with the writer. We all spend time on the Internet. Some of us spend so much time that it may do harm for us. In fact, I use the Internet both for searching and surfing. I admit that sometimes, the time I spend on the Internet may be a lot. However, we should be conscious about the Internet issue. It is so beneficial for everyone. All people can use the Internet and learn so many things. Today, most people couldn't do without the Internet. Nonetheless, all people should be careful because the Internet may become an addiction for them. It is important to limit the time of the usage of the Internet. Especially parents should be conscious about this subject. The writer also points out this topic. To sum up, the writer states this fact explicitly in her article. She also supports her ideas with some examples of her students. I appreciate her writing style. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013



In the article "At Home with Mamma", the writer talks about the choice of young Italian men about living with family. The writer states that this choice stems from three main reasons. I agree with the writer. First reason is financial support. Young Italian men choose to live with their families because they don't want to spend so much money. If they live without their families in a different house, they have to spend money on rent, food and bills. This is a very reasonable choice when we consider today's economic situation. The second reason is the universities. When young men go to a university far from their homes, they have to leave their houses. Some young men prefer to stay with their families. The writer says about this topic that the number of young men living at home would be higher if they had a chance to attend to a university near their houses. Also, the mothers of these young Italian men are the reason of this choice. Italian mothers, like other mothers around the world, love their children so much, as you can see in these pictures. They don't want their boys live without them, even if the boys get married. This affects the thoughts of boys about living with their families. Moreover, I like the way of writing of the writer. 



In this article, the writer talks about the unexpected number of young adults who live with their families in their homes. The writer states that young people couldn't manage to live in a seperate house from their families. She improved her idea with examples and short stories. I agree with the writer. I think young people depend on their families in terms of psychological and financial issues. They should be with their families and feel the support of their parents. It is important for them because they are not ready for the real life when they are only 18. Also, they have to be supported from their families financially because they don't earn money on their own. Earning money while they are going to school is so hard for young people. In the article, the writer also points out the increasing age of marriage among adults. It is a result of the fact that more young people live with their families. They want to live with their families untill they marry because they cannot earn their lives on their own. The writer states this idea with some examples. In general, I like this article and agree with the writer. The writer states the idea very explicitly.

From this graphic. we can easily conclude that the number of the young people who live with their families has increased in the recent years. This is because of the financial reasons. Also, the lack of jobs among young people is another reason for this raise. To sum up, I believe that young people especially about 18 years old should live with their families.



In her article "Rapport Talk and Report Talk", Deborah Tannen states that men and women differ in way of talking. She says that men speak in report talk; in that, men mostly give information and state some facts while they are speaking. However, women talk in rapport talk. They speak more about feelings and emotions. Women talk in this way because they want to improve a relationship between their hearers and themselves. This way of speaking is an innate thing for women. Nevertheless, men don't care about emotions much. They want to give and receive only necessary information. I think Deborah Tannen is right about this subject. Although many people believe that women talk much more than men, this is not true. In fact, men talk as much as women. The only difference is that women talk more detailed than men, which leads to a common belief that women talk more. Deborah Tannen points out this fact explicitly and in detail in her article. She clearly states the difference between the way of speaking of men and women. Also, she supported her ideas with examples such as cartoons. To sum up, the article is very informative and straightforward.

In this video, there is an interview in the streets. A woman asks people whether women talk more than men. All men in the video agree that women talk more than men. However, women definitely refuse that idea because they know themselves. They don't think that they talk more than men. Firstly, while the anchorman  is saying the common idea, the woman near him immediately refuses this idea. Secondly, the first man in the video says that women talk more. Then, the other man and woman disagree with each other. I agree with the next woman because she says women have to say something three times so that men could understand it. In my opinion, she is rigth because men don't do what women say in the first utterance. In the video, it is stated that this idea stems from a protein which is more in the brains of women. I totally agree with the women in this video. I think this video is appropriate for my reflection and the original article.