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Wednesday, January 23, 2013



This year is not my first year at METU because I studied at the Department of Basic English last year. I am not going through an adaptation process this year but last year was not easy for me. Although I stayed in the dormitory in high school for four years, it was still challenging for me to be far away from my family and old friends. However, I didn't feel alone because I had some of my friends from high school in METU. They helped me a lot during my adaptation process. Moreover, my roommates were friendly, cheerful and positive people. I had so much fun with my friends last year. However, the immoderate climate of Ankara was a big challenge for me. The daytimes were very hot and the nights were so cold at the beginnings. Although it was difficult for me, I got used to the climate in time.

This year, I do not have problems about adjusting to METU at all. But as for courses, they are more difficult and intensive when compared to high school but they are very useful for us to develop ourselves in terms of writing, listening and speaking skills. Furthermore, we are learning second language beside English. I am learning German and it is very enjoyable for me.

As for the campus, I think that METU has one of the best campuses in Turkey. All of its departments, dormitories, cafes and even markets are the same campus and I think it is a big advantage for us in terms of transportation. The campus is very huge but the transportation inside the campus is provided by ring services and minibuses easily.

There are a lot of student clubs and communities and also social services such as sport centers, tennis courts and swimming pool. We can develop ourselves socially thanks to these opportunities. To sum up, METU fulfilled my expectations and I am glad and proud of being a METU student. :)

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